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TiVo Roamio
marketing campaign: out-of-home, digital, radio

I worked at TiVo during the exciting launch of their newest (at the time) product: TiVo Roamio. I loved creating out-of-home creative that lived in airports and Metro stations from Minneapolis to San Francisco, as well as digital banner ads and emails.

Another fun part of this campaign was not only writing radio spots, but also being the voice talent for some of them!


I wrote these spots for the campaign launching TiVo's new product, Roamio. They played in the San Francisco bay area and Seattle.

"Watch Anywhere" :60

"Duct Tape" :30

Here are a couple of radio spots I wrote and recorded for TiVo, to air during the Super Bowl. These played in the San Francisco bay area and Seattle. This is my voice!

"Nailed It" :30

"Britney" :30

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